The research network GDR CohereX (Science with coherent X-rays at 3rd and 4th generation synchrotron sources) aims to gather the French community using coherent X-ray techniques for their research that spans from biological systems over cultural heritage materials and functional materials to the electronic and magnetic structure and dynamics of matter. CohereX aims to share the know-how and to foster the development of novel innovative studies and data analysis approaches, in particular, with respect to the unique opportunities offered at upgraded extremely brilliant synchrotron sources.
The first annual meeting and kickoff of the GDR CohereX covers the following topics:
Dynamical fluctuations in complex materials
Functional materials (ferroelectrics, magnetic materials, batteries, ….)
Cultural heritage materials
in-situ / operando
Biological systems
Biominerals and biomimetic materials
Big data and data treatment
Invited speakers (confirmed)
Arnaud Demortière, LRCS, Université de Picardie Jules Verne